Cantabroxanthus loredoensis new genus, new species (Decapoda, Brachyura, Etyoidea) from the Middle Campanian of Loredo, Ribamontán al Mar, (Cantabria, northern Spain)

Álex Ossó


The discovery of
Cantabroxanthus loredoensis n. gen., n. sp., from the Sponge Beds
(middle Campanian) of Cantabria (Spain), increases the number of
known Cretaceous brachyuran taxa that the coastline outcrops of
Cantabria have yielded. The new genus is herein placed within the
family Feldmanniidae (Etyoidea) on the basis of similarities with
the genus Caloxanthus A. Milne-Edwards, 1864. Cantabroxanthus is
also compared to the Palaeocorystoidea families, however important
differences, for example, Cantabroxanthus possesses an entire
supraorbital margin, preclude any relationship with

Palabras clave

Cantabroxanthus; Decapoda; Etyoidea; Feldmanniidae; Campanian; Cantabria

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