Experimental chondrules by melting samples of olivine, clays and carbon with a CO2 laser

Karina E. Cervantes-de la Cruz, Fernando Ortega Gutiérrez


Chondrules are the
major constituents of chondritic meteorites; however, their origin
is still an enigma for meteoritic science. In this work we report
the results of melting minerals to experimentally generate objects
similar to chondrules. The degree of fusion of olivine appears to be
an important factor in determining the width of the bars in samples
with barred-type olivine (BO) chondrules. On the other hand, the
contribution of clays and carbon (possible precursor grains) is an
important factor in those experiments where the melted samples
showed porphyritic texture.

Palabras clave

experimental chondrules; chondrites; CO2 laser

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