Methane in the Solar System

Andrés Guzmán-Marmolejo, Antígona Segura


This paper reviews the
distribution of methane (CH4 ) in our Solar System, as well as its
sources and sinks in the atmospheres of the main Solar System
bodies. Methane is widely distributed in the Solar System. In
general, the inner planets are methane-poor, being Earth a unique
exception, whereas the outer planets have CH4 -rich atmospheres. In
general, the atmospheric chemistry of this compound is dominated by
the solar radiation although in O2 -rich atmospheres this compound
participates in a reaction system that removes atmospheric CH4 . In
our planet most of the atmospheric CH4 is produced by lifeforms,
reason why scientists have proposed that the simultaneous detection
of methane signal along with oxygen (O2 ) or ozone (O3 ) signals in
the atmospheric spectra of planets may be good evidence of life.
Therefore, the study of this gas at planetary level is important for
understanding the chemical reactions that control its abundance on
the exoplanetary atmospheres and to classify possible inhabited

Palabras clave

methane; biosignatures; Solar System.

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