The bathyal decapod crustacean community from the Poggio i Sodi quarries (Siena Basin, Tuscany, Italy)

Angela Baldanza, Roberto Bizzarri


A rich decapod fauna
from the Early Pleistocene (late Gelasian-early Calabrian) of Poggio
i Sodi quarries (Siena, Tuscany, central Italy) is here reported.
Integrated biostratigraphical, sedimentological and paleoecological
analyses have been carried out, and some paleoenvironmental
inferences are also proposed. The studied decapod community is
herein assigned to the upper bathyal; several paleoenvironmental
factors (cool water conditions at the sea floor, clay soft bottom,
nutrients, very low environmental energy and sedimentation rate)
influenced and promoted the crustacean settlement.

Palabras clave

Crustacea; Decapoda; Astacidea; Axiidea; Anomura; Brachyura; Early Pleistocene; Italy.

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