On some Panamerican Cretaceous crabs (Decapoda: Raninoida)

Francisco J. Vega, Torrey Nyborg


Decapod crustacean
specimens recently collected from new and previously reported
localities of USA, Mexico, and Colombia, as well as a review of
species of uncertain affinity, add important information to complete
the descriptions and paleobiological knowledge of some Cretaceous
primitive crabs. The stratigraphic range for the genus
Cenomanocarcinus is formally extended from the upper Albian to
Campanian, based on occurrences from Colombia, Oklahoma and Mexico.
Specimens of Cenomanocarcinus vanstraeleni from the Turonian of
Mexico and Colombia include features not described previously for
this species, such as variation in the shape and ornament of chelae.
Necrocarcinus renfroae is here included in the genus
Cenomanocarcinus, based on features of dorsal and ventral carapaces,
as well as shape of pereiopods, and its occurrence is documented
from the upper Albian of Colombia. Orithopsis tricarinata is
reported for the first time in America from upper Albian deposits of
Oregon and Colombia; the shape of the sternum confirms close
affinities with the Cenomanocarcinidae and the family Orithopsidae
is here included in the section Raninoida and restricted to the
genus Orithopsis

Palabras clave

Crustacea; Raninoida; Cretaceous; North America; South America.

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