On the occurrence of Gillicus arcuatus (Cope, 1875) (Pisces, Ichthyodectiformes†) in Mexico

Jesús Alvarado-Ortega Alvarado-Ortega, Héctor Porras- Múzquiz


This work provides the
description of the first specimen of the species Gillicus arcuatus
(Cope, 1875) collected in Mexico. This ichthyodectiform fossil was
collected in a marl flagstone quarry on Los Pilotes Ranch, Muzquiz
County, Coahuila. The rocks of the quarry are of Turonian age, and
constitute part of the Eagle Ford Formation. This Gillicus arcuatus
specimen fits within the known temporal distribution of Gillicus,
but extends the geographical distribution of this species to include
Northern Mexico, where once the North American Western Interior Sea
and the Western Tethys Sea converged. Los Pilotes Ranch is the
southernmost fossil locality so far known where Gillicus has been

Palabras clave

Gillicus; Ichthyodectiformes; Turonian; Eagle Ford Formation; Coahuila

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